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Active Vitamin B12

Serving Type: Tablet

Available In Sizes: 60 tablets


Methyl B12 Chewable contains the bioavailable and metabolically active coenzyme form of vitamin B12. It is involved in the maintenance of nervous system function, healthy red blood cell production and healthy immune system function. Vitamin B12 also supports energy production and relieves tiredness and fatigue.



  • Assists healthy red blood cell production.
  • Maintains energy production and relieves tiredness and fatigue.
  • Supports nervous system function.
  • Supports healthy immune system function.
  • Supports vitamin B12 levels in the body.
  • Helps to convert food into energy.
  • Suitable for vegetarians.



Each sublingual tablet contains:

Mecobalamin (co-methylcobalamin) (active vitamin B12)5 mg

Methyl B12 Chewable

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